Game Rules:
  1. Sound ON/OFF
  2. Fullscreen ON/OFF
  3. Change Background
  4. Player Timer
  5. Distributed Card
  6. Card on the Table
  1. 7. Player Info
  2. 8. Massage From Game
  3. 9. Player Cards
  4. 10. Player Taken Cards
  5. 11. Exit Game
  6. ----------------

You can take cards if their sum is equal to 11 (2+6+3=11)

The Jack can take all the cards except the king and queen

King takes king, queen takes queen

How can I get points?

A Clubs 2 will bring you one point +1

A Diamonds 10 will bring you one point +1

Seven or more Clubs will bring you one point +1

27 or more cards will bring you two point +2